Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I get a lot of great ideas and I love to learn something new each day. This week I heard: “Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.” That made me sit right up!

I thought about last week. Last week I spent a week meditating. For 10 hours a day, we did sitting and walking meditation. It was hard. My usual practice is 20-30 minutes most days so 10 hours a day was a huge jump. I cannot say I had a good time or I will do it again but the discomfort did cause me to grow and advance in my practice.

Here is what I am learning (over and over it seems!): discomfort is the currency for growth. If I want to grow in my practice of meditation or any other place in my life, chances are good, it is going to be hard.

Of course, that can be discouraging. But, knowing this helps me. It seems much in life is about “picking your hard.” It is hard to get the exercise in but it is also hard to be less able to move. It is hard to go to school and get the homework done but it is also hard to be stuck in a job with (maybe) less potential. Pick your hard and it is all hard.

When I am uncomfortable whether it be in making better food choices, sitting in meditation, studying for an upcoming message or dealing with hard choices, I just remember: this is how it is supposed to be. Happy Thursday.

One Comment

  1. Rev. Lois Hedden

    And it is all hard… ahhh, so much to ponder… Thank you for sharing…

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