Photo by Jacob Luther

One of the things I did this February was take on a 31-day goal. What the goal was isn’t really important….what was important was I met myself in those 31-days.

I don’t often set such short-term goals but this goal was part of a bigger goal and I thought, “if I can accomplish this, I can achieve my bigger goal.”

The 31-days ends next week, but I am pretty sure it will be impossible to accomplish what I set out to do. So why write about it? If it was a 31-day failure, why confess?

Because I am closer to that goal than I would have been without the challenge.

Because I got a chance to notice what I tell myself when I fall short.

Because I got to learn how I might try again and take what I learned with me.

Failure is a great opportunity to learn what doesn’t work and what might work if I tried. Failure got me closer than not trying ever did.

So, I continue to work on my 31-day goal knowing, I may fail but this isn’t where the story ends.

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