Developing Identity

One of the quests of our lifetime is to figure out: Who am I?  Our identity tells us how we spend our time, what we buy (or don’t), where we live, what we believe.  Identity is fluid –  for our identity changes and shifts, sometimes without our even realizing it.

As we think about the concept of stewardship this month, I think of how counter cultural it is to give to the church, especially when we first begin to give.  Giving to the church (or to any charity) is a statement of values and identity.  It says: this church and what it stands for matters so much to me that I will give financially to make it happen.  I will sacrifice my wants to make this mission a priority. 

When I was a  new pastor, leading my first membership class, a new member asked: Who pays the church’s bills?  Does the larger United Methodist Church keep this congregation running?  While natural to think, the truth is the people in the congregation pay the church’s bills.  But let’s think bigger.  The  focus is the mission!  Mission, not “paying the bills,” is what our church is all about.  At Valencia UMC our mission is to reach the 70% of those without a connection to God and a faith home.  This mission informs all we do. 

My identity as a Christian calls me to give to God’s church.  My husband and I give sacrificially, sharing our resources with the church and with those in need.  My identity calls me to do this and when I scrimp on this, I feel unsettled knowing that my actions are out of alignment with my identity.

Today’s question: What does your identity call you to do with your financial resources?  If you are new to giving, what questions do you have?  If you are a mature giver, what difference has your giving made in your life?



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