The Six Core Competency of Pastors: Focus (Part 02)

I am a high-energy person who thrives on new ideas so the Core Competency of Focus was a challenge for me. But a couple of things happened that got me thinking… Leading house churches gave me a new perspective on what mattered in growing faith. Working in New Ministries showed me many declining churches being …

Who Are You Mentoring?

Who Are You Mentoring? As I visit local churches and hear their struggles, one thing I hear consistently is: “we don’t have enough leaders.” Is there a lack of leadership in our local churches? Yes and no. Yes, it is true that as churches get smaller there are fewer leaders. If a church had 100 people …

Setting Goals in the New Year (again)

I am a goal setter. I realize lots of people aren’t and some have pretty strong feelings against New Year’s goals saying they don’t work. And while I cannot disagree, still I set goals. I set a half-dozen personal goals last year and I completed 0% of them. I even took an online course about goal …