The 6 Core Competencies of Pastors (Part 01)

What six core competencies does a pastor need? I would imagine you could ask ONE hundred pastors and laity and get FIVE hundred answers. 🙂 Here are my thoughts. I share them not because I KNOW what the six core competencies are (that would take a lot more work and insight than I have) but …

The Six Core Competencies of Pastors (Part 0)

My husband, Dr. Jeff Luther,  is the director of a medical residency program.  That means he trains new medical school grads on how to be amazing Family Physicians. He has done this for over 20 years. I like his world.  I like hanging out with those who run the larger hospital and hearing how they …

On The First Day of Your New Appointment

Over the last 3 years I have spent a lot of time in our churches. I have heard stories which have taught me what is working and what isn’t-as new pastors begin. Here are a couple quick thoughts (cause it’s a busy day) on the first day of a new appointment. 1. You were not sent …

Who Are You Mentoring?

Who Are You Mentoring? As I visit local churches and hear their struggles, one thing I hear consistently is: “we don’t have enough leaders.” Is there a lack of leadership in our local churches? Yes and no. Yes, it is true that as churches get smaller there are fewer leaders. If a church had 100 people …

Optimize the Core

This week I listed to a short and intriguing podcast on “The Good Life Project.” In this week’s episode, Jonathan Fields shared something I know nothing about: bicycling. For those of you who ride you already know that the lighter the bike the faster you go.  People spend lots of time, energy and money-making everything lighter and quicker. …

Coloring, Mindfulness and Moms

God likes to speak to me as I pull into the driveway. A couple of weeks ago God said (very matter-of-factly), “Nicole, go back to hosting a dinner church.” This was not the first time God has spoken to me about ministry, about church and about what I needed to do (and, don’t worry, it’s not …